For those who do not want to pay the full value of a luxury watch but wish to wear something prestigious, they may be tempted to buy a fake or counterfeit luxury watch. In the world of fake watches, there are counterfeits of all the major luxury watch brands available on the market.
Sending a mere fraction of the price of a luxury watch on a counterfeit might sound like a good deal. However, we’re here to explain the top 6 reasons not to buy fake watches: why it is a bad idea and a bad way to spend your money.
6 Reasons Not To Buy Fake Watches:
- Liable to be confiscated
- Poor quality and craftsmanship
- Short lifespan
- Poor investment
- Damages the luxury watch industry
- Damages your own reputation
1. Liable To Be Confiscated
Having your fake watch confiscated definitely ranks among the top 6 reasons not to buy fake watches. As harmless as they may seem, fake watches are actually illegal. Customs agents can seize fake watches and in certain countries, getting caught with a fake watch may incur you a fine or jail time.
According to the U.S. Customs and Border Production, $375 million dollars of watches and jewelry were confiscated in 2014 alone, and undoubtedly countless other fakes managed to slip through. Furthermore, purchasing fakes encourages fraudulent manufacturers to continue to make these watches. Unfortunately, these factories are unregulated and can have dangerous and exploitative working conditions.
2. Poor Quality And Craftsmanship
When looking at an authentic luxury watch and fake watch side by side, even a novice will be able to detect the difference in quality. While some fakes may claim that they are the “best” in the market, their materials, craftsmanship and performance cannot match up to a true luxury watch. Luxury watch manufacturers devote great time, resources and money into researching and perfecting the best components for their watches to ensure optimal performance.
Fake watches on the other hand, are crudely made for a quick profit. At their core functionality, fake watches will not be able consistently tell proper time and cannot be repaired by a watch maker when they inevitability break.
Even counterfeit diving watches cannot survive under water and will be quickly rendered useless. Perhaps you bought a fake watch purely for its style rather than functionality. In which case your watch may have sloppy printing on the dial, push buttons that don’t work, rattling movements and bracelets that easily fall apart. All of which make it clear why this is one of the main reasons not to buy fake watches.
3. Short Lifespan
Thanks to their masterful construction and high-quality materials, luxury watches can last for generations. To emphasize the impressive longevity of their luxury watches, Patek Philippe released an iconic advertising campaign that proudly stated, “You never actually own a Patek Philippe. You merely look after it for the next generation.”
The head of our watch division, Tom Pozsgay, explained that “A genuine luxury watch can be handed down for future generations to enjoy while imitations will simply fall apart.” Whereas wearers of fake watches can expect terribly short lifespans for their watches.
4. Poor Investment
Perhaps there will come a time where you grow tired of your fake watch and want to sell it. Whether your fake watch was $20 dollars or $300 dollars, no one will be interested in buying a second-hand counterfeit watch. For consumers that favor fake watches, they would rather buy a brand-new counterfeit watch than buy a used fake that may not even work.
Conversely, Tom Pozsgay stated that, “Genuine luxury watches retain their value so if you ever get tired of your watch, you can trade it in for a new watch.” While the inexpensive fake watch might have seemed like a good deal at the time of purchase, luxury watches will prove to be a better usage of your money and is another reason not to buy fake watches. A poor investment of money is another one of the 6 reasons not to buy fake watches.
5. Damages The Luxury Watch Industry
Next up on the 6 reasons not to buy fake watches is how much counterfeits damage the luxury watch industry. According to A Blog to Watch, fake watches cost manufacturers billions in revenue annually.
Luxury watch manufacturers exhaust time and money fighting back against counterfeits and preserving the authenticity of their brand. When there is demand for fake watches, scammers continue to grow their market. Inevitably, these fake watches will be bought by unknowing customers who think they are buying the real thing and challenge the reputation of authentic luxury brands.
6. Damages Your Own Reputation
Wrapping up the 6 reasons not to buy fake watches is the unavoidable stigma associated with fake watches. This stigma is so strong that the Fondation de la Haute Horlogerie produced a campaign against counterfeits with the message, “Fake watches are for fake people.” When people recognize that you are wearing a fake watch, this may leave them with a negative impression of you. After all, the fake luxury watch market is illegal and exploitative.
While some fake watches may look similar to their authentic counterpart, there are always signs that mark it as a counterfeit. Luxury watch enthusiasts and experts will quickly be able to tell if your watch is fake.
It can be uncomfortable to have family, friends, collages and strangers know that you opted for a counterfeit. If someone points out that you are wearing a fake watch, what will you say? Will you lie and insist that it is a real watch or admit that it is counterfeit?
How To Afford An Authentic Luxury Watch
Now that you know the 6 reasons not to buy fake watches, you may feel ready to start or expand your luxury watch collection. Shop Replica luxury watches at a fraction of retail, Replica by a team of experts. From Rolex to Patek Philippe to Omega to Breitling.
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