Sell designer bags to Best Knockoff Handbags Online Store with our fast, free and secure service. We buy your luxury bags directly, online or via appointment, with no fees or commissions deducted.
Sell designer bags to Best Knockoff Handbags Online Store with our fast, free and secure service. We buy your luxury bags directly, online or via appointment, with no fees or commissions deducted.
Whether you are selling Chanel, Gucci, Hermès or Prada bags, selling to Best Knockoff Handbags Online Store is fast and simple.
The entire process can take as little as 24 hours, from price quote to payment.
Don’t worry, it’s easy.
We will contact you via phone or email.
We provide free, fully insured shipping to send your items in for a final price. If things don’t work out, we send your items back to you free of charge and fully insured. There is never any obligation to sell.
You also have the option to schedule an in person appointment at our offices in NYC.
Accept our final offer and we wire the money to you, or mail a check if you prefer. It’s that simple.
Sell Or ConsignHead of Diamonds & Jewelry
Head of Watches
Head of Handbags
These folks redefine luxury and customer service. I used to buy/sell to Fashionphile, The RealReal, and Instagrammers all the time, and now I'm a convert to Mark and his team. They've invested hard in a great program while retaining that small business touch and speed.
- A.Y. NOVEMBER 2022
Mark was highly effective. He assisted me in an honest way, sending me a quote after evaluating my handbag photos. Once I accepted the price, he emailed a shipping label to me quickly and got the job done with high efficiency. Thank you!
- M.I., APRIL 2023
The process was super easy and transparent. They gave us an offer range and stuck by it. We had our money less than 24 hours after we accepted the final offer.
- A.R., JUNE 2023
It was a smooth and fast transaction. Highly recommend.
- M.C., JUNE 2023
Very professional with their communication and fast with paying for my item they purchased.
- R.F.. JULY 2023
You’ll only pay sales tax on the difference (between the store credit and the purchase price).
Get Started535 5th Avenue, 11th Floor,
New York, New York
10017, USA