
Sell Saint Laurent Bags

Sell Saint Laurent bags online quickly and easily with Replica Handbags Online Store . We buy your YSL bags in as little as 24 hours. Honest price quotes, no fees or commissions deducted from your offer. We provide free shipping and insurance to send your items in for a final price, as well as in person appointments. Sell or trade in your Saint Laurent bags to the luxury experts today.

Sell Saint Laurent Bags Online

How Much Is My Saint Laurent Bag Worth?

There are several factors that will determine how much your Yves Saint Laurent handbag is worth. The main aspects that will have an impact on the resale value of your Yves Saint Laurent bag are how old it is, the model, the rarity, as well as the condition. The condition of the bag is extremely important, as bags with prominent marks and signs of deterioration will significantly lose value.

Considering a majority of the Saint Laurent designs are timeless and classic, these will typically sell well. Designs featuring the iconic alternative YSL and Saint Laurent logos are also more popular than designs from past seasons without them.

Popular And Iconic Saint Laurent Bag Designs

Yves Saint Laurent bags are predominantly simple in style with metal details, making them appear sleek yet bold at the same time. More classic style bags never go in or out of fashion which make them great sellers, especially if they are in more neutral colors such as black or beige.

Three iconic bags Saint Laurent created include:

  • The Sac de Jour: This translates as Day Bag and comes in 54 different variations of sizes, textures and colors. The colors of the Sac de Jour are inherently Saint Laurent, such as neutral tones and more muted ones like the blush pink. The Sac de Jour was released under Hedi Slimane in 2013 and became a firm favourite with celebrities. It is considered as Saint Laurent’s answer to the Hermes Birkin bag.
  • The Kate Chain Bag: Kate Moss has been the face of Saint Laurent and featured in their shows and campaigns a number of times. It can thereby be assumed that the Kate Chain Bag was named in her honour. The Kate is on the other end of the spectrum from the Sac de Jour as it is a much smaller flap bag and more suited as an evening bag to be worn out for dinner or to events.
  • The Envelope Bag: Somewhat similar in style to the Kate Chain Bag due to the flap closing and YSL logo that features on the front. However it is slightly larger and has an envelope shaped closing.

About Replica Handbags Online Store

When selling designer luxury goods online, you need to consider the safest and quickest options available to you. If you are selling an Yves Saint Laurent handbag, Best Knockoff Handbags Online Store can offer you the best possible service.

As an A+ BBB rated business, Best Knockoff Handbags Online Store can ensure you a secure transaction. Founded in the United States in 2012, our expert buyers have the expertise and knowledge to evaluate your bag and offer you the best price, with absolutely no hidden fees. To sell your Yves Saint Laurent handbag today, fill in our online form and receive your offer.

About Yves Saint Laurent

The Yves Saint Laurent fashion house is celebrated for its androgynous yet refined creations. Notable for creating the tuxedo for women, Yves Saint Laurent championed progressive fashion for women of the 1960s when women’s roles in society were shifting. Never one to stay behind the times, the Saint Laurent brand continues to shape and adapt to the current fashion and social landscape of the day.

Yves Saint Laurent was always inspired by his muses and the brand continues to celebrate women through its designs. A number of the Saint Laurent handbags are named after iconic women such as the Kate (Kate Moss) and the Loulou (Loulou de la Falaise).

Founded in 1961, the eponymous Yves Saint Laurent fashion house sought to revive haute couture as well as legitimize ready-to-wear fashion. Yves Saint Laurent, otherwise known as YSL or Saint Laurent, revolutionised 1960s women’s fashion by creating clothing and accessories for the modern woman.

Saint Laurent wanted to make clothes that were comfortable yet still stylish and sophisticated. Prior to creating the Yves Saint Laurent brand, Laurent was head designer at Dior – a role that was given to him at the young age of 21, following the death of Christian Dior.

Saint Laurent’s 1966 ‘Rive Gauche’ collection was emblematic of Parisian youth culture and liberation. This collection had a lasting impression on the fashion world, as Saint Laurent continues to be viewed as one of the more liberal leaning and youthful luxury fashion houses. Alongside pioneering modern style favourites, Yves Saint Laurent challenged the fashion industry’s norms by casting non-white models as well as including non-western elements to his designs.